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 My work at Acupuncture Tree of Life is to support you exactly where you are at this moment towards transformative healing and wholeness.
I hold a supportive space for you to become more whole, as you align with your full potential and who you really are at your core.
And when you live from here, you tap into your deep wisdom with ease.


I'm glad you found me!

If you're here, chances are that you are ready for an alternative way of healing. One that treats you as a whole system as you are, because all your ailments, be it any chronic issues or pain, digestive disorders, anxiety and depression, hormonal imbalances and infertility, or just feeling lost in life, are all connected and are about systems of imbalance in your body that this ancient medicine has answers for.

Ancient Architecture

There is another way...

your body knows what to do

Sometimes our bodies just need a little helping returning to a natural state. Especially if you find yourself dealing with the same issues over and over again, alchemical healing allows you to look deeper to heal the root cause.


 I am here to help you feel your best, by optimizing the healing capacity that already exists within you - I do this by using the wisdom of Chinese Medicine. At its core, Chinese Medicine is about removing blockages/imbalances and harmonizing your energetic flow

“The Tao that can not be seen and known, we can know through its expressions in matter, in the natural rhythms and cycles… "

- Lao Tzu


 Regardless of your signs and symptoms...

I help you optimize the healing capacity that already exists within you - I do this through weaving the different styles of Acupuncture such as TCM, Japanese style, particularly Five Element and Five Spirits Alchemical Acupuncture which is rooted in mystical Taoist Alchemical traditions.

Additionally I bring my knowledge of holistic and Functional medicines together to create a unique treatment protocol that serves you and your unique path of life.

Prenatal Yoga with Laptop_edited_edited.

Fertility Enhancing Acupuncture and Pregnancy Support

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Alchemical Acupuncture and Transformational Healing

Neck Therapy

Acupuncture for Pain, Physical Function, and Chronic Conditions

What our patients are saying...

Heather Says...

Dear Helen,
Every time someone asks me about my twins I tell them they wouldn't be here if it wasn't for IVF and Acupuncture. I truly believe if it wasn't for you i wouldn't have been able to carry my babies. I'm so thankful for you and for trusting in the entire process!

Rosalie says...

The minute I walk into Acupuncture Tree of Life, the serene environment and welcoming greeting from Helen's daughter makes me smile and look forward to my treatment with Helen. 

Helen is so knowledgeable, kind, and attentive. She is such a caring and supportive provider and I am so grateful to be her patient.

I recommend Helen and Acupuncture Tree of Life to anyone wanting to try acupuncture to support their fertility, or to anyone looking to promote their physical, mental and spiritual health and healing. 

J.C. says...

After a few attempts at IVF, and no pregnancy, I did a series of acupuncture treatments with Helen. The improvement in my embryo quality and quantity were amazing, and I am now a proud mother of a little boy!"
Rose Flower

Libby Says...

Helen, I want to take a minute to thank you for your time, positive energy, and expertise.
Yesterday's treatment session was the best gift I have given myself in a long time. I have a lightness about me - physically and emotionally - that I haven't felt since before my first miscarriage. I know I will continue to enjoy our work together. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. 
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